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Testing Laravel validation errors with PHPUnit's data providers

Laravel testing tools are very powerful for doing endpoint (feature) tests. Let’s say we have an endpoint which accepts requests as JSON. Take this simple test as an example:

public function testCreatesCustomer()
    $response = $this->postJson('customers', [
        'full_name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => '[email protected]',


If we have this kind of endpoint, we probably also have request validation for it, like following:


class CustomerController
    public function store(CustomerStoreRequest $request)
        // creates customer

        return response()->noContent(201);


class StoreRequest extends FormRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'full_name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:30'],
            'email' => ['required', 'email', 'unique:customers,email'],
            'phone' => ['nullable', 'integer'],

Our test case will pass because we provide all required fields and all in a valid format.

But how we can test if endpoint requires “full_name” field or “email” value should not already exist in the database. One way we can archive this by creating test cases for each validation rule.

public function testRequiresFullName()
    $response = $this->postJson('customers', []);


This approach is fine, but when we have many fields and validation rules, it becomes hard to write and maintain all test cases for each validation rule.

Instead, we can use the power of PHPUnit’s data providers. We can create data provider function with all input and output and let PHPUnit repeat same test case with different values. Here’s our data provider function:

public function validationErrors()
    return [
        [['full_name' => ''], 'full_name', 'validation.required'],
        [['full_name' => \Str::random(31)]], 'full_name', 'validation.max.string', ['max' => 30]],
        [['email' => ''], 'email', 'validation.required'],
        [['email' => 'not-an-email'], 'email', 'validation.email'],
        [['email' => '[email protected]'], 'email', 'validation.unique'],
        [['phone' => 'abc'], 'phone', 'validation.integer'],

In this data provider:

  • First argument is request data that we want PHPUnit to submit, e.g. we send empty “full_name” ['full_name' => '']
  • Second argument is the validation field we expect to fail, e.g. when we send empty “full_name”, we except that “full_name” field would exist in validation errors
  • Third argument is validation message that we expect to be shown, e.g. when we send empty “full_name” we expect that translation of validation.required message will be shown
  • Fourth and optional argument is special parameters that validation message requires, e.g. when we send “full_name” with 31 characters we expect that error message with “30” as maximum value will be shown.

Here’s our test case that uses validationErrors() method as data provider:

 * @dataProvider validationErrors
public function testValidationErrors(
    array $invalidData,
    string $invalidField,
    string $errorMessage,
    array $messageParams = []
) {
    factory(Customer::class)->create(['email' => '[email protected]']);
    $response = $this->postJson('customers', $invalidData);

                ['attribute' => str_replace('_', ' ', $invalidField)],

What’s happening here?

  • First, as preparation we create a customer with the same email address that we used in our data provider for uniqueness test.
  • We send a request to our endpoint with provided $invalidData
  • We assert that response came back from the endpoint has 422 HTTP code
  • We assert that provided $invalidField exists in JSON validation errors
  • We do extra check by verifying if provided $errorMessage is valid, exists and translatable key
  • Lastly, we assert that provided translation of $message with $messageParams is matching with the validation error field from the endpoint. Translation of generic Laravel validation rules requires “attribute” as a translation parameter and if the field key contains “_”, validation rule converts it to empty space. Here we do the same in our expected message field.

Now if we run testValidationErrors() test, it will run itself over and over (6 times in our case) with all data sets and output an error if any data set does not succeed. With this, now we can easily test Laravel validation errors, without creating single test cases for each validation rule.

Additionally, you can move the assertion part of this test case somewhere accessible from all test classes, to a parent TestCase class maybe. Or even better approach would be creating your assertion macro on Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse.